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Automatic adhesive flanging machine

Time:2019/7/10 15:28:35

Detailed introduction of "Zhigong Automatic Straight Riding Machine"
This product is suitable for the folding edges of handbags, bags, backpacks, leather packing boxes, stationery, such as: the folding edges of handbags, backpacks and other zippers, the adhesive hem along the edge of the packaging material, fabric, leather materials(Libu, large surface) and other kinds of materials. The equipment can be automatically adhesive, folding speed, folding smooth standard effect, product quality stability and unity, greatly improve the production efficiency and product quality. At the same time, this machine adopts double press and twist operation, which is safe and convenient, simple to operate, and can be operated by rare hands.
The main features of this machine:
1, the integration of gum folding edge, efficiency improvement, quality improvement.
2, automatic adhesive, the amount of glue is uniform, adhesive solid.
3, the machine folding edge is fast, the folding effect is smooth and normalized, there is no scrap, no explosion angle, crack angle phenomenon, so that the overall effect of the product is more beautiful.
4, convenient and practical, to thin materials, thick materials, soft materials, hard materials and other materials, a set of molds can be completed.